Upcoming shows:

Jan 18th- Hemingway's on Marietta Square

​Feb 7- Parma Tavern Buford

About Ben

songs from the heart

We need music

official website

“Dunlap is a supremely talented artist whose songwriting reveals depth of thought, melodic sensibilities and an innate ability to entertain,” according to a spokesman for A&R Select. “His work is rooted in the conveyance of emotional impact.”

            Music is an intensifier of emotion, Dunlap declares. “Music can make you feel anything, any emotion you can think of, but intensified.”

            Songwriting is about taking people on a journey, says Dunlap. “Good music should take you somewhere – future, past, present ... as long as it takes you there.”            Dunlap has performed for as many as 9,000 audience members. He has shared the stage with such major artists as John Mayer and Shawn Mullins.